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This is the Beginning~Empowered Women Empower Women

 Hey Babes, 

Well here it is the very first blog post for the Bubbly Boss Babe Community! 

I have thought about a blog off and on a for a while, been encouraged by several people and have just never taken the leap! So. Here I jump! Get it? Leap? 

Ok. Yes, you will be subjected to some of my corny humor. I would like to say that I promise it won't be often, but that's probably incorrect. 

I have had a passion and burning in my belly for a really long time. I love to help women. Empower, uplift, guide women to stepping into the best version of themselves. What does that mean? Well, over the years it has meant helping them to work on mindset, money matters, implementing processes into their daily routines that have helped them to focus and align themselves with the next, best version of themselves. We are always changing, emerging, developing and learning. That part does not change, but what changes is how we process it all. Do we let life happen to us or are we taking the reigns along with God and creating the life that we want to live. 

Let me add a little caviat here as well. I will be referring to God, but that does not mean that you have to believe in God to hang out in the community. You can call Him what you wish (Spirit, Source, Universe, etc.) and still know that you're welcome in this community. I do realize that people have different beliefs when it comes to this subject. You are welcome here!

You are welcome to hang out in our community for as long as you would like! My goal is that I help you in some way, that I help empower you and help you grow in your life in several areas! I would love it if you would share me with your friends and help our community grow! I can't do any of this without you, and I am so thankful that you are here and have chosen to hang out with me! 

The blog will have a little of all of the things, so I hope that you'll hang out in this space!

In your corner and rooting for you! 

Your bestie,


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