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Why would I want a morning routine? Mornings are hard!


Hey Babes,

I know, I know. No one has time any more. No one has time to breathe let alone add a morning routine! 

I hear you saying to me right now, if you think I'm giving up any more sleep, you are cray cray! HAHA does anyone say that anymore? My kids said that ALL. THE. TIME. and it drove me bonkers! Here I am. Using the freaking phrase! Ok. Moving on. 

Morning routine. Can we make a deal? Can you grab 5 minutes out of your lunch break? Ok you're a stay at home mama and you're already exhausted. What about when the kiddos nap. Ok, you're either napping too or you're doing the chores you can't do when the kiddos are awake. What about before you start on any of those, grabbing 5 minutes. It can truly start with 5 minutes. 

So you're saying fine. What the hell are you wanting me to steal 5 important minutes for? 


What do you mean? I am thankful all the time. 

But are you? Hold on before you get mad at me and exit. Hear me out. There's days when the job, the kids, the hubs, the crazy driver that about ran you off the road, get under your skin. Taking a few minutes to remember WHY you're grateful for all of these things, yes even that driver, puts your mindset back at ease and in a good spot. 

I'm not saying you can't be frustrated at things. I'm not saying you have to pretend things are perfect. Nothing is perfect and I don't want you pretending about anything, but practicing a few minutes of gratitude can change the trajectory of the rest of the day! 

Don't want to believe me? That's fine. Let's look at the stats.

64% of those who are generally satisfied and happy with life express gratitude on a regular basis. 

A single act of thoughtful gratitude prioduces an immediate 10% increase in happiness and a 35% reduction in depressive symptoms. 

Regular gratitude journaling has been shown to result in 5%-15% increase in optimism and 25% increased sleep quality.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea! If you can carve out 5 minutes in your day, somewhere, you will see improvement. IF you can get up 5 minutes earlier, that would change the trajectory of your day, but anywhere in your day is beneficial. 

Yes, you can say in your head what you're thankful for, but writing it out has an even more profound change on your mindset. No, I'm not just saying that to sell you my journal. You can grab any notebook. You can grab the note section in your phone. There's something more profound about pen to paper but let's not get picky. I just want you to start. I don't have a preference of what tool you use, I just know in my knower that it will help you.

Now, go out there and make your day amazing! 

In your corner and rooting for you!

Your bestie, 


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