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Community and Friendship

  One of the topics I get so many questions on is, friendships in later life.  There's a lot of you that reach out and are not really sure what to do. Some of you have lost friends over time, or had mom friends that you chatted with at drop off and pick up, but maybe it didn't go anywhere. Some of you were just so focused on mom and wife life that the girlfriend life kind of went to the way side.  There's a lot that can happen to us along the way, as life takes on many different shapes. Growth, moving, some of us even just lose ourselves somewhere along the way, and it's a matter of stepping back and getting yourself back. I think I have been every one of these women along my journey.  I thought I'd share a few tips and tricks to help you find your tribe!  1. Start by Revisiting Your Passions Finding friends with shared interests is key. Whether you’re into yoga, knitting, painting, or 80s rock concerts, there’s a community out there! Re-engaging with hobbies isn’t

Welcome Back!

Hey Babes!

I've been gone for a bit because I was trying to figure out how to freaking add comments to this thing! 

I didn't want to keep creating content that you can't interact with, and I was kind of bummed the first few posts didn't have comments! 

So, here we are. Back again! 

Really what I wanted to say in this post is that you can do THE THING! Whatever it is you've got your heart set on, you can do and accomplish! 

When I started this journey of wanting to have more of an online presence, I had never, in the history of ever, had any idea how to create a website. But I was determined. So I hopped in and just started clicking around and figured it out! I used to say that I was stuck in nineteen dickety two when it came to electronics. My limit? Myself. I had this limiting belief that electronics were hard and that I just couldn't do it. Sound familiar? 

You can! You are not too old, too set in your ways, too, whatever you keep telling yourself! If I can do it, you can too! I am not any better or different than you, I just had the determination to figure it all out! 

Then we came to the comments section. I was googling, researching, looking at so many different ways that I thought were going to get me where I wanted. Come to find out, to add them where I have my website living, I was going to have to pay to add another section to the site. I was hoping that I was incorrect with that, so yes, I did have my sweet hubs look into it all as well. Come to find out, my research and I were right. I didn't want to add another option that I had to pay for, so he told me about this site, and we're giving it a go. 

BUT. I did most of the leg work and you can to! Babes. Hear me out! It's not hard. You're not going to break the computer, the internet or anything at all! Everything is figure outable, if you want too bad enough. I know that most of my audience reading this, did not grow up with the internet, but look. It's been around for what, 30 years now? Everything you can think of that you want to do, create, whatever is going to be able to be found. Be a student and let the internet be your teacher.

I had no idea about any of this before I started, and you can to! 

You are your only limitation!

In your corner and rooting for you~
Your bestie,

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